From the point source to the sound column – Lounge Speaker of Voicepoint
The brand new Voicepoint Lounge Speaker bring their ease of good design upbeat music in any room. Due to their special design, the height of a man, yet unobtrusive clay sculptures every nook and cranny of the room acoustically from uniform.
According to the presented decades ago Voicepoint “VP 160 A“, which was developed in accordance with the then revolutionary principle of the point source, the premium provider of sound systems now his lounge Speaker after the line-source principle before.
Perfect soundstage
Even then it was preceded by the Voicepoint VP 160 A of their time: A handy powered speakers with a claim perfect space conjures since a realistic acoustic set in each room. Since time is not stopped, meanwhile, another completely new speaker concept was developed with the lounge speakers, the prima suited to the present time and transported the virtuoso sound experience to the next dimension.
Homogeneous sound field due to line source
The new lounge Speaker grasp the principle of the line source on sovereign and allow as tall as a man Abstrahlsäule the ideal spread of music in space, the sound is everywhere equally airy as with the VP 160 A and provides low frequency bulky substance. The new sound sculptures themselves are elegant, understated, classy and achieve a vibrant sound performance at the highest level.
Made in Germany
Sound experience
Der Unterschied zu anderen Klangsäulen ist hörbar. Die gleichmäßige Schallausbreitung erlaubt ein vollkommenes Klangerlebnis im ganzen Raum schon bei leiser Musik. Den bei allen Abhörlautstärken überall im Raum gleichbleibenden Klangeindruck bieten nur wenige Lautsprecher am Markt. Durch die mannshohe Abstrahlfläche in Verbindung mit der Subwoofer-Integration bieten sie im Gegensatz zu vielen anderen Lautsprechersystemen mit handlichen Satelliten und Aktivsubwoofer eine sehr ordentliche Klangfülle vom Grundtonbereich bis in die tiefsten Basslagen.
Design options
The difference from other sound columns can be heard. The uniform sound propagation allows a perfect listening experience throughout the room even with soft music. The all listening levels across the room constant sound impression only offer a few speakers on the market. Due to the high radiation area man in connection with the subwoofer integration they offer in contrast to many other speaker systems with handy satellites and an active subwoofer a very decent sound volume from the root area to the deepest bass documents.
Where to use?
With its lounge speakers belonging to Medianet brand Voicepoint is once again the right partner for perfect music in space, even in multi-room installations with a central source. Thus, the use in conference rooms, hotel lobbies, wellness and waiting areas as well as in the domestic fireplace, living room or TV room, library, or even at the Winter Garden nothing in the way.

Lounge with Speaker
many design options
The lateral decor is chosen to match the interior. The speaker so that does not seem like a foreign body, but integiert voices in the room design.
LS200/8 WS
With a total of 211 cm height lounge Speaker reaches the size of some Basektball player. Despite this length of speaker looks elegant, because only the narrow Silluette with 6cm width, or side with the face width of 13cm, visible acts of the front of the room.
The slightly smaller alternative: the LS 160/8 WHAT has the same acoustic performance on a total of 171cm height.